In this post will show you how to make Alarm Light, like this;


This post will also teach you how to create rotating brushes by tying the brush into an entity. For this you will require few things;

  1. Two prop_dynamic_overrides.
  2. Small brush (size of the prop) that has the Invisible texture applied to it.
  3. Two point_spotlights

Lets starts by adding the brush.  Select the browse button to open up the Textures window. Filter for ‘invisible’ and double click on it to select it. Create a small rectangle template (10 Width, 10 Length, 15 Height) and hit Enter to create the brush.

After yo have done that select the brush and hit Ctrl + T. This will open the object properties. Search for ‘func_rotating’ in the Class drop down list and hit Apply. In the properties there are few thing that will be required to change and set.

  • Set the name to alarm1
  • Set the Max Rotation Speed to 360
  • Under the Flag tab tick the Start On box
  • Under the Flag tab un-tick the Large Sound Radius

Now we move on to adding the props. Click the Entity Tool or Shift + E, and filter for prop_dynamic_override. Left-click in your level twice to add two. Select one of them and open up the properties. Under World Model select Browse to open the Model Browser. Filter for emergency and select emergency_lighta.mdl.

Select the other entity and do the same thing but instead select emergency_lightb.mdl. Also under the Skins tab and select the second skin (skin1). Then hit OK and then in properties set the parent to be the name of the rotating brush , and then hit apply.


Make sure they are within each other;


Final part is the lighting. Select the Entity Tool or shift + E, and left click in your level. Open the entity properties and do these settings;

  • Set the parent to alarm1.
  • Change value of Spotlight length to 250.
  • Change the colour of the light to red.


Reposition the light close to entity and make it face the light represented in the entity. Also create a duplicate the light to face the other direction.


Compile and Run the game to view it in-game.


  1. Jake says:

    Thanks a lot.

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